this territory is moderated
They receive some but it isn't 99%? Hell the US give it to almost all the EU as well its more of a whole doesn't get aid if anything
Using Perplexity LLM
The United States has provided substantial aid to Israel for decades, with Israel being the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid since its founding in 1948. Here are the key points about U.S. aid to Israel:
  1. Total aid: Israel has received about $310 billion (adjusted for inflation) in total economic and military assistance from the U.S. since its founding[1].
  2. Current aid levels: The U.S. has provisionally agreed to provide Israel with $3.8 billion per year through 2028[1]. In 2022, the U.S. committed over $3.3 billion in foreign assistance to Israel[3].
  3. Military focus: Nearly all U.S. aid to Israel today goes to support its military. Economic assistance was phased out by 2007[1][2].
  4. Recent increases: Since the start of Israel's war with Hamas in October 2023, the U.S. has enacted legislation providing at least $12.5 billion in additional military aid to Israel[1].
  5. Qualitative Military Edge (QME): U.S. law requires maintaining Israel's ability to defeat any credible conventional military threat in the region[1].
  6. Debate: Some argue that aid should be reevaluated given Israel's strong economy and advanced military, while others contend it remains vital for U.S. and Israeli security interests[1].
  7. Public opinion: Recent polls suggest Americans are divided on military aid to Israel, with support strongest among older adults and weaker among younger adults[1].
U.S. aid to Israel reflects the countries' long-standing alliance but has come under increased scrutiny due to recent conflicts and changing geopolitical dynamics.
Sources [1] U.S. Aid to Israel in Four Charts | Council on Foreign Relations [2] Israel–United States relations - Wikipedia [3] How much aid does the US give to Israel? - USAFacts [4] What Every American Should Know About U.S. Aid to Israel | AJC [5] After $15 Billion in Military Aid, Israel Calls Alliance With U.S. 'Ironclad' [6] Washington should condition US aid to Israel – regardless of what ... [7] U.S. war aid of $6.5 billion discussed during 'productive' Gallant visit [8] Israel - U.S. Foreign Assistance by Country
Um so just to clarify you think that is 99% of the Israeli budget? The breakdown doesn't matter you said they were 99% dependent on US aid. Those numbers don't work 🤷🏼‍♂️
Also yeah sorry I'm not going to ever side with people who simp for terrorists for those who call for the destruction of America and the destruction of people to live their lives how they want free of government and religious influence.