Never thought about it, but indeed, I do not say the word in my mind. It somehow clicks into a meaning.
On those Facebook groups, people kept having these little aha moments where they could explain some of their behaviors with this newly acquired knowledge. I left those groups when I noticed it became almost like an obsession for people.
I'm happy I found out about it, but don't like too much the idea of labeling people, so I barely think about it anymore. We're all quite different in many ways. To steal a word from the autism world, all of our behaviors are on a spectrum, doesn't mean one is weird or abnormal.
Haha, as a side note, I was just thinking what I could do an AMA about. Couldn't think of much people would be interested in. Not sure many people would have much to ask about being a physicist. Maybe I could to a tag-team AMA with other aphantasic people :)
People might be interested in both: i.e. "I'm a physicist and aphantasic. AMA."
I started out in physics, so I'd definitely be interested in picking your brain.
Without doxxing yourself, what kind of physics?
This was just undergrad study and a couple of grad level courses. I had a focus in atmospheric physics and worked as an RA through most of undergrad.