
The entire system requires your consent and ignorance to just assume.
The people controlling the system consider your assumption as “consent”, and therefore can then act upon you.
Note: Within the legal system there is a maxim of law: “For he who would be deceived, let him”.
This comes from the Latin phrase “Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur” meaning “The world wants to be deceived, so let it be deceived.”
However when you question someone’s claim or documentation, they often withdraw.
For if they told you directly, then your assumption has not been granted, and fraud has been committed against you.
This "pill" is very important one. Consent is all that matter, the thin line between sovereign and slave.
that's why it's good to live abroad and be a stupid foreigner, no one assumes that you know all the "rules", thus leaving you alone as long as you don't harm or steal:) a simple life!
I have even a better "approach". I live in my own country (my own body) wherever am I... My body = my country = my rules. FUCK THE REST
indeed 👀 my approach buys me time to learn more:)