The U.S. labor market faces increasing strain as the U6 unemployment rate, a comprehensive measure of underemployment, climbs to 7.8% in July from 7.4% in June 2024. The U6 index offers a realistic snapshot of the job market by including those who have stopped searching for work and those returning from studies, reflecting a broader and more accurate picture of employment challenges.
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It's especially important to get the most holistic picture, right now. So many people are working part time jobs and many are working two jobs (which looks like two employed people in most of the metrics).
And then there's the gov job creation machine to fake numbers
Exactly. I know the Mises guys keep their own GDP and money supply analogues. Do you know if anyone maintains a more rigorous unemployment series?
Sorry. I have no idea
That might be an interesting thing to put together. As a starting point, I'm thinking it should basically be U4 plus government employment.
Good point