I can safely suggest you Buenos Aires, anywhere near the Capital. It's megalithic, you will never find it's end, it has beautiful architecture, people is italian-like cheerful out of ancestry, and if you have an average income in dollars (by USA standards), you can live there like nobility. Freedom is granted by the new Libertarian government of Javier Milei (and much more to come).
There's a recent case of an american immigrant who moved with his entire family there for those reasons, you can follow up his journey in his youtube channel (in the first video he states all of his reasons too):
Argentina in general is also the most bitcoin-friendly country in the continent at this point, and the epicentre of development on adoption is in Buenos Aires, there are healthy bitcoiner communities there too. I know there's El Salvador but it still doesn't matches the scale here.
Great! Another suggestion for SA. It's really a good place. Let me see. It's not on my list but I think I should think about it.
I'm glad I'm proposing something new to your list :)
There's a (locally inedit) wave of immigrants enthusiastically promoting immigration towards Argentina, out of idealism and economic opportunity. They're more active on twitter.
This is my first place to talk to strangers. Twitter is no more and it has a turned into an X, which killed the sweet bird 🐦, so I'm not gonna go there. Musk and X team will be burnt in the fire of hell with a lot of disdain.
I'm unsure why, but I have a slight suspicion that you don't like X ... but maybe I'm wrong
Yes, I don't like X.
I know, just trolling :P