Suggest me the best place to live on Earth.

I'm not a saint or a monk. I want to live a lavish lifestyle with lots of good health. I need a fun place with lots of happy people. The rules mist be minimal and unless for violence can be ignored.
All in all suggest me the best place that is just the best. Don't forget to comment with reason.

The best one will be rewarded with an Open heart.

163 sats \ 1 reply \ @drlh 3 Aug
Perhaps Uruguay?
I accept, Uruguay is the best in SA and is on my list.
Without a doubt I would recommend that you move into the hearts of your children or loved ones... a wonderful place that leaves traces forever... Personally my goal has always been to enter and be in the hearts of my 3 little ones... and I am achieving it and the satisfaction is a lot, the truth is.. Over time, even if you are no longer in this earthly world, you will still be in their hearts.
I can safely suggest you Buenos Aires, anywhere near the Capital. It's megalithic, you will never find it's end, it has beautiful architecture, people is italian-like cheerful out of ancestry, and if you have an average income in dollars (by USA standards), you can live there like nobility. Freedom is granted by the new Libertarian government of Javier Milei (and much more to come).
There's a recent case of an american immigrant who moved with his entire family there for those reasons, you can follow up his journey in his youtube channel (in the first video he states all of his reasons too):
Argentina in general is also the most bitcoin-friendly country in the continent at this point, and the epicentre of development on adoption is in Buenos Aires, there are healthy bitcoiner communities there too. I know there's El Salvador but it still doesn't matches the scale here.
Great! Another suggestion for SA. It's really a good place. Let me see. It's not on my list but I think I should think about it.
I'm glad I'm proposing something new to your list :)
There's a (locally inedit) wave of immigrants enthusiastically promoting immigration towards Argentina, out of idealism and economic opportunity. They're more active on twitter.
This is my first place to talk to strangers. Twitter is no more and it has a turned into an X, which killed the sweet bird 🐦, so I'm not gonna go there. Musk and X team will be burnt in the fire of hell with a lot of disdain.
I'm unsure why, but I have a slight suspicion that you don't like X ... but maybe I'm wrong
Yes, I don't like X.
I know, just trolling :P
No place provides more than the US I feel, even if it's a shit show. These days El Salvador sounds really tempting though.
Not other than your sweet home staying your home with your family is like heaven. So where ever you go just be with your family
Hmm! Planning with my family, nit without them at any cost.
there is no such place as the BEST - something nice for others could be boring for you, and vice versa. The way to find out is to do the work / verifying yourself.
also, each place has something to offer, look within to see what you want to learn/get in this stage of life instead of just living there.
Thanks! A very wise answer.
I'm new here and its my first post. I just wanted to know how people react and answer to a simple question. I've a desire to relocate but undecided about the place so, just thought of asking. May be I get an answer. So dar some very good suffestions!
Don't worry, she didn't mean that in a bad manner I can tell. It was actually my first thought when I first read your post title but you made quite transparent what you are looking for, and you are not the first one, hence my answer.
did it come out bad manner? but I was being honest:) 👀
No! that's what I thought he thought :P
I don't worry anything and as I said I liked her wise reply.
Because that's what I found out after few years of nomading, there really were no such places - some places showed me how people busy living to work, some showed me most people just eating, sleeping, and consuming, and some places showed me another way of living, and live a simple life, slowly you started to understand what you like and don't.
You can get a few suggestions here, but most likely, you will find the place yourself, maybe even when you least expected, since now you might already have some expectations of certain places 😂 but no expectation is the best! and see it as a way to explore yourself too, to understand what you want:)
Wow! Who can better answer this than a nomad. I wanted to be a nomad since childhood. Did you do video as well?
You opened my eyes literally. I'm Aldo not very enthusiastic to get an answer here but to get to know some interesting places may lessen my time at least.
I don't do videos, but I shared this before #484127
and my suggestion would be: try traveling to some places, slowly figuring out what you like and don't, pinning things down to a few countries, then start to compare how to get residency, quality of life, what you can learn/ get from there, etc. things you care about; but most likely you want to change where to live when it comes to another stage of life, then repeat.
That is a great post. Thanks for reviving something that went hidden inside me for a while. What do you say? Where do I start from? Nearest or farthest?
I would start to test:
a. how to work online, something so powerful once you no longer being limited by the location.
b. location wise: try going to somewhere close by first, but something different than where you grew up, stacking some surviving skills before thriving.
a. I don't work online but I've enough to survive due to my ancestors.
b. Yes, there are many different places close by. Surviving skills?
What is an open heart? Try Japan. I know they are struggling economy wise, but things will get better. They have very little crime. Their food is good. You can do many things there. No firearms, though.
It's not open until it's generous.
I like Japan but I can't be at a struging place.
If you have the money, you wont notice the economy. You wouldnt be there to work.
Hmm! That's true but I'm a bit averse to their so much laborious attitude!
Why would you care, you arent going to be working there, right? You are just there to enjoy your lavish lifestyle.
Yes, but Japan is not that happy place.
Kasmir, Picturesque and enchanting Kashmir lies high up in the verdant Himalayas and is praised the world over for its incredible natural beauty. Surrounded by mountain peaks, lush green valleys, sparkling lakes, temples and spectacular Mughal-era gardens, it has inspired poets for centuries.
Good one! Thanks! But not my type as I said I'm not a saint or monk. I love a lavish lifestyle.
Melbourne. Lived there for two years, loved it! You have the busy city live, plenty of activities, leisure, culture, sports events and then, if you prefer you can get nature, beaches…. All in once
111 sats \ 1 reply \ @duuv 3 Aug
One of the criteria I use to live somewhere is how did they respond to covid. Australia did it full on totalitarian and beyond.
Australia! Yes, It's in my list but I've chosen Sydney. Can you tell me why Melbourne is better ghan Sydney?
The main reason is because I have lived there. I only visited Sydney for a week and it would be difficult to recommend it based in just a few days. Definitely much nicer weather in Sydney. But it depends in your personal choice.
In my experience I enjoyed the city, its opportunities, wild life , beaches , weather ( yes, I like the odd shower and milder temperatures). Also safe area, great for schools, plenty of green areas to enjoy with kids. Mountain side not far.
Thanks for the climate info! It'll help my decision. I've a cousin in Sydney and she says it's the best in Australia.
That's in Australia.
I would recommend that you live far from the city, where everything is calm, peaceful and you can connect with yourself. I sincerely believe that a geographical location does not matter, but rather the place where you have what I have told you.
I am living far from the city but to go 80 or 90 miles for a club isn't on my list.