Thanks! A very wise answer.
I'm new here and its my first post. I just wanted to know how people react and answer to a simple question. I've a desire to relocate but undecided about the place so, just thought of asking. May be I get an answer. So dar some very good suffestions!
Don't worry, she didn't mean that in a bad manner I can tell. It was actually my first thought when I first read your post title but you made quite transparent what you are looking for, and you are not the first one, hence my answer.
did it come out bad manner? but I was being honest:) 👀
No! that's what I thought he thought :P
I don't worry anything and as I said I liked her wise reply.
Because that's what I found out after few years of nomading, there really were no such places - some places showed me how people busy living to work, some showed me most people just eating, sleeping, and consuming, and some places showed me another way of living, and live a simple life, slowly you started to understand what you like and don't.
You can get a few suggestions here, but most likely, you will find the place yourself, maybe even when you least expected, since now you might already have some expectations of certain places 😂 but no expectation is the best! and see it as a way to explore yourself too, to understand what you want:)
Wow! Who can better answer this than a nomad. I wanted to be a nomad since childhood. Did you do video as well?
You opened my eyes literally. I'm Aldo not very enthusiastic to get an answer here but to get to know some interesting places may lessen my time at least.
I don't do videos, but I shared this before #484127
and my suggestion would be: try traveling to some places, slowly figuring out what you like and don't, pinning things down to a few countries, then start to compare how to get residency, quality of life, what you can learn/ get from there, etc. things you care about; but most likely you want to change where to live when it comes to another stage of life, then repeat.
That is a great post. Thanks for reviving something that went hidden inside me for a while. What do you say? Where do I start from? Nearest or farthest?
I would start to test:
a. how to work online, something so powerful once you no longer being limited by the location.
b. location wise: try going to somewhere close by first, but something different than where you grew up, stacking some surviving skills before thriving.
a. I don't work online but I've enough to survive due to my ancestors.
b. Yes, there are many different places close by. Surviving skills?
Surviving skills?
as in how to be on your own when living in a foreign country where you barely know anyone or the language - would you be like a fish out of water or thriving as you go , much fun!
So nice of you patiently replying! Thank you so much! I gotta be ready (be prepared) to be nomad. How about Nepal or Bhutan? These are closest parts of the world from my place.