PredictIt doesn't use real money so you can't arbitrage.
Generally Manifold and PolyMarket are more accurate.
Also worth looking at Nate Silver - I think his model is in line with Manifold.
this territory is moderated
From perplexity
PredictIt imposes several key betting limits on traders:
  1. The maximum bet on any single contract is $850. This limit applies per contract, so traders can potentially bet more across multiple related contracts[1][2].
  2. There is a limit of 5,000 traders per market[2].
  3. These limits are in place to allow PredictIt to operate as a non-profit and comply with U.S. regulations[2].
  4. While the $850 cap restricts individual bet sizes, traders can still place multiple bets across hundreds of different markets offered by PredictIt[2].
  5. Some top traders work around these limits by focusing on high-volume trading, reacting quickly to news, and taking advantage of price movements across multiple markets[1].
  6. The betting limits prevent large organized trading operations from manipulating markets by buying out positions or inflating values[2].
  7. Despite the limits, some of the most successful traders reportedly earn six-figure incomes through strategic trading across many markets[2].
These betting limits are a key feature of PredictIt's regulatory structure, allowing it to operate legally while still providing opportunities for dedicated traders to profit significantly through skill and strategy.
Sources [1] Limits of Current US Prediction Markets (PredictIt Case Study) [2] How I Turned $400 into $400000 Trading Political Futures [3] This site bet big on political gambling. Regulators want it shut down. [4] Political gambling has a murky future. Want to bet on it? [5] PredictIt Basics - Predicting Politics [6] PredictIt - Wikipedia [7] Make Money Betting on Politics - Arbitrage with Predictit
[8] What Betting Markets Do, and Don't, Tell Us About Elections
No real money?
What’s the point with fake money? Ego and bragging rights?