If I tell you that I never pay any taxes on my property in India. Would you believe it?
We, Indians, only pay stamp duties when we buy land and want/should register it in the court to get it protected by law. The person who is the owner of the property here can do whatever he wants to do with his property abiding with the law. No compelling by any form of government whatsoever. That's why you'll often find many roads to be winding in India because some owners of properties falling midway of a highway refuse to give their land to construct a highway there. The owners refuse when for such purpose property is compensated with a 10 gold money for the actual cost.
The property rights in India are much much better than the west I must say.
I agree! India is better because the constitution serves as the premises for the property rights. Every property is the property of it's true owner. The municipality in my locality tax is for facilities like water and cleanliness but not for our property. However people call it house tax which is incorrect. And who cares when it's hardly 400 to 500 INR annually?
You can laugh at the property rights of USASR and EUSSR.
Thanks for the info!