It was achieved thanks to the joint organization of all the people, there were witnesses, the voters stayed outside the polling stations making sure that no one from the government came to take them, in my first publication on electoral fraud I put a link to the videos of how government police arrived to steal the machines and people fell on them to prevent it, for that reason that night two people died and there were injured. It was a citizen organization that I had never seen in my country, from 6 am to 6 pm there was voting, in some places the centers closed later because not all the voters had yet arrived. Once the voting center closed, each person in charge of each voting machine had to print their record, and immediately scan the QR code to send it to the server that is now on the web so that anyone anywhere in the world can see the result of each voting machine, also the people in charge of the voting machines as soon as they printed them I took a photo, in addition to the fact that they had the task of keeping that receipt. Thanks to that, they were able to prove that Edmundo won. That had never happened before. People would just go home after voting and the polling stations would be abandoned and the people in charge would hand the machines over to the guards... another thing before I forget, in each polling station, they obviously had to count the votes to see that they matched the total result given by the machine and the people recorded themselves while they were counting the votes. In many places the machines were stolen, but some had already scanned the minutes, others managed to take a photo, other table presidents managed to leave with the minutes before the guards arrived. On Tuesday in Caracas there was a gathering of people with Maria Corina and Edmundo where people handed them the minutes.
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