Day 5 of the electoral fraud in Venezuela part 2 Events that have occurred from 2pm until the end of the day Venezuela time.
Given the arbitrary arrests, there is less and less information about Venezuela regarding the protests, Venezuelans are silenced on their social networks, the military, police and any entity of Maduro are robbing and massacring people who share content against the regime, if you wrote something on X against Maduro you go to jail, if you uploaded a photo on Instagram against the dictatorship you go to jail, if you shared a video on WhatsApp about how they beat, kidnap or kill someone in the protests you go to jail. I was looking for information on X and when I wrote in the search engine, for example: "Caracas" and went to the most recent section, only "positive" posts regarding the dictator appeared. That wasn't uploading 2 days ago.
Daily conversations with my family are: "Don't go out unless necessary," "delete everything on your phone," "protect your money, don't keep it in the bank," "don't post anything against Maduro."
The small thread of freedom that remained in Venezuela was broken.
This is what the skies of Caracas look like right now. Nicolás Maduro has released drones everywhere to see who is protesting in the streets so he can arrest them.
• SEBIN officials arrested Denni León, a member of VenteVenezuela in Barinas a few minutes ago.
Guatemala, as a nation committed to democratic principles and respect for human rights, and in the face of irregularities and public complaints about the electoral process in Venezuela, rejects the actions of the Nicolás Maduro regime to perpetuate itself in power.
Guatemala ignores the results of the Venezuelan presidential election held on July 28, 2024, for not having the corresponding guarantees and for not respecting the popular will expressed by the Venezuelan people at the polls.
Guatemala reiterates its support for democracy and expresses its willingness to collaborate with the international community in the search for diplomatic solutions that guarantee respect for the will of the Venezuelan people and the strengthening of democracy in the region.
Guatemala, August 2, 2024 • Five days after the election ceremony held last Sunday in Venezuela, despite the CNE's hasty declaration of Nicolás Maduro as the winner of the presidential election, the electoral authority has not yet presented evidence of the actual results, nor has it enabled independent audit mechanisms for the vote count.
The Carter Center, a prestigious independent observer accepted by the Venezuelan Government itself, has declared that the election in Venezuela did not conform to international parameters and standards of electoral integrity and cannot be considered democratic.
In parallel, the Venezuelan opposition has done a commendable job of compiling more than 80% of the vote count reports, without their veracity having been refuted. From this count, it emerges with complete force that the candidate Edmundo González Urrutia was the presidential candidate who received the majority of votes.
Uruguay awaits with great expectation the recognition of the electoral results by the competent Venezuelan authorities and the beginning of the transition process towards the constitution of a new Government, within a framework of peace and respect for human rights. • The Nicolás Maduro regime beating up innocent people and making people disappear
• 9:30pm At this time, several of those arrested on Tuesday during the protests are transferred to Yare. Family and friends bid them farewell by singing the national anthem.
• Angel David Mora was kidnapped by Nicolás Maduro's henchmen in Guanare, Venezuela and was found completely beaten. He is now in intensive care between life and death. • 835 arrests verified and identified, of which 79 are teenagers. It is estimated that the real number of people detained exceeds 1,500, they are unidentified, there are many people looking for their relatives without having any idea where they are being held. • Mr. António Guterres Costa
Secretary General United Nations Organization
Dear Sir:
As the National Representative of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, I address your honor with deep concern and concern that is also shared by the majority of the citizens of Uruguay with reference to the latest events taking place in the sister Republic of Venezuela.
The non-recognition by the bloody regime led by dictator Nicolás Maduro of the will emanated by the Venezuelan population last Sunday, July 28, has led to an unprecedented escalation of repression and violence against the civilian population.
The figures of deaths, injuries and arbitrary detentions are alarming, as well as the banning of the main figures of the opposition that were victorious, among them the president (e) of Venezuela Mr. Edmundo González Urrutia and the leader Mrs. María Corina Machado. Also worrying is the persecution that prosecutors and delegates are suffering, ordinary citizens who signed their name as defenders of the transparency of the electoral process, who are being arrested and disappeared.
The situation of the 6 asylum seekers in the embassy of the Argentine Republic in Caracas, today administered by the Federative Republic of Brazil, is equally complex, and remains under siege by the Bolivarian guard and groups allied to the regime, in an absolute violation of the Caracas Agreement. and the Vienna Convention, while their safe conduct is denied.
For the right of the Venezuelan people to freedom and for the necessary stability of the Latin American region, this servant joins other voices such as that of the senator of the Republic of Colombia, Mrs. María Fernanda Cabal, asking her to evaluate actions aimed at guaranteeing The right to life, liberty and property of the inhabitants of Venezuela.
Specifically, I ask your honor, in light of articles 1 and 3 of chapter 1 of the Charter of the United Nations, other related legislation and in your power as Secretary General to process the necessary actions to urge the Security Council of the United Nations and subsequently instructing the DOP, Department of Peace Operations, headed by Mr. Jean Pierre Lacroix and its respective Military Affairs office, to immediately send a Peace Mission, the so-called blue helmets, to the Republic of Venezuela.
The action that I request of you will allow to reduce the aggression and constant subjugation of the illegitimate and criminal regime that today governs Venezuela over the civilian population, while the institutionality emanating from the popular will under the leadership of President (e) Mr. Edmundo González Urrutia, achieves the stabilization of the country and the just condemnation of those responsible for the fraud and permanent violation of the rights of Venezuelans, opening the Caribbean nation to a new horizon of freedoms.
Dear Sir, if the United Nations fails to cooperate in its fundamental mission of guaranteeing peace and freedom, I fear that we will be facing a new institutional failure that shows the uselessness, ineffectiveness and obsolescence of this international forum.
In this situation, count on our support to cooperate with your honor in the mandate that the community of nations has given you in order to guarantee the fundamental rights of every man who inhabits our nations.
Remaining at your service, greet your excellency • • • "The situation is serious, what we are seeing beyond the electoral issue, in terms of violence, we have noticed a very significant increase in these two days, there is talk of more than a thousand detainees, there is talk of 43 extrajudicial executions, forced disappearances, arbitrary detentions, in short": Santiago Cantón, president of the panel of experts of the OAS in La Tarde de NTN24
• Now that the database with the table-by-table scrutiny of the June 28 presidential elections has been made available to the specialized public, it is possible to analyze 5 pieces of evidence to better understand the results published by the opposition:
  1. The first is what has been repeated: according to the published minutes, Edmundo González Urrutia would have a difference of 37.15 percentage points, this difference is the largest electoral gap in the history of Venezuelan presidential elections since the return to democracy in 1958 (2018 does not count, the government participated alone).
  2. It has already been said, but given the number of minutes counted (82%), the result would be arithmetically impossible to reverse.
  3. Territorially, the victory of EGU puts an end to the geographical differences, no more blue vs. red zones. According to the published minutes, Edmundo González Urrutia would win in ALL the states of the country. Additionally, according to the published minutes, Edmundo González Urrutia would win in 90% of the country's municipalities.
  4. The changes observed in electoral preferences would indicate that the percentage of the PSUV vote fell proportionally much more in the most socioeconomically vulnerable territories and in the most rural regions. It is interesting, for example, to see a kind of rebellion on the plains: the states where the official vote fell the most compared to 2013 were Barinas (-24pp), Portuguesa (-23pp) and Cojedes (-22pp).
  5. The victory of Edmundo González Urrutia would go beyond the geographical; in fact, no matter in which dimension it is looked at, the evidence would indicate that the change in the political pendulum is in all population and socioeconomic segments of the country. The electoral support of the official party would fall at all levels, let's see:
Edmundo González Urrutia would win both in urban areas (69.5%) and in rural areas (63.0%) of Venezuela. He would also win in both the Metropolitan Area of ​​Caracas (72.2%) and the regions of the country (67.6%).
Even more important is to note that, for the first time in 25 years, there would be no segmentation of the vote in socioeconomic terms. Edmundo González Urrutia's candidacy would win in all socioeconomic segments of the country, even in the areas of greatest social vulnerability and incidence of multidimensional poverty, where the opposition had never won since 1998. The opposition vote would have penetrated with incredible force in the municipalities with the greatest poverty and greatest rurality in the country; in fact, to give an example, the margin of votes obtained in places like Dabajuro, Upata and Santa Barbara de Barinas, is equal to that obtained in Chacao, Pampatar or Lechería. To conclude:
The conclusion about the electoral results of the night of June 28th would be clear: political polarization would no longer exist in Venezuela, the victory of EGU would be an expression of a desire for change that is uniform and transversal to all areas, territories and social classes of the country. This is a new context, a new reality. Whatever happens.
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the Venezuelan opposition has done a commendable job of compiling more than 80% of the vote count reports
How did they manage? I would expect shredders going like hell in this case…
It was achieved thanks to the joint organization of all the people, there were witnesses, the voters stayed outside the polling stations making sure that no one from the government came to take them, in my first publication on electoral fraud I put a link to the videos of how government police arrived to steal the machines and people fell on them to prevent it, for that reason that night two people died and there were injured. It was a citizen organization that I had never seen in my country, from 6 am to 6 pm there was voting, in some places the centers closed later because not all the voters had yet arrived. Once the voting center closed, each person in charge of each voting machine had to print their record, and immediately scan the QR code to send it to the server that is now on the web so that anyone anywhere in the world can see the result of each voting machine, also the people in charge of the voting machines as soon as they printed them I took a photo, in addition to the fact that they had the task of keeping that receipt. Thanks to that, they were able to prove that Edmundo won. That had never happened before. People would just go home after voting and the polling stations would be abandoned and the people in charge would hand the machines over to the guards... another thing before I forget, in each polling station, they obviously had to count the votes to see that they matched the total result given by the machine and the people recorded themselves while they were counting the votes. In many places the machines were stolen, but some had already scanned the minutes, others managed to take a photo, other table presidents managed to leave with the minutes before the guards arrived. On Tuesday in Caracas there was a gathering of people with Maria Corina and Edmundo where people handed them the minutes.
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