This is a new video by Anita. We are lucky to have her insights. She knows the country and its issues. I learned a lot.
Even if the current regime stays level headed with the money, what's to stop the regime in 3-4 years from debasing the money? Ultimately, all fiat currencies are centralized and require trust.
I've listened that everyone is a trillionaire in Zimbabwe. Now, Zimbabwe adopting 6th new currency shows how devastating is the economy there! If Zimbabwe really wants to improve the condition and think about people, Bitcoin should be adopted unconditionally.
There seems to be a problem of trust. They have done it so many times that people aren't going go trust it and it qill also fall like a house of cards. There is also a huge problem of terrorism in Zimbabwe Makin it even more difficult.
Why do they again and again introduce these currencies is because the elites want to rob the people.
Still slavery. The solution will always be Bitcoin.
This was due to experiencing a monetary crisis which had an impact on economic problems there, that's why they created it.
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