I feel ya, but at the same time Proton is a business first. I imagine the vast majority of their paying customers so not run Linux. They do probably have more Linux users than most companies but my guess is it's still the minority.
Why do I think this? Because Linux is a small sliver of the Desktop OS userbase. Because they are a business, if this decision is a mistake they will suffer.
Linux market share continues to rise, now at 4.45%, which is the highest ever. This figure likely underestimates the true extent of Linux usage, as many users modify their user agent for privacy reasons.
Building privacy/security apps on top of spyware operating systems is pointless, it's inherently contradictory.
You get what I'm saying right. I am not disagreeing with you. Windows is a spyware platform. Linux is rising in usage. As it does we that use it will get more attention. This is just how markets and incentives work.