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  • @nerd2ninja
    • 927 stacked \ 7563 spent \ 1 post \ 12 comments \ August 4, 2023
  • @cryptocoin
    • 2513 stacked \ 1152 spent \ 16 posts \ 45 comments \ August 4, 2022
  • stacker is in hiding for August 4, 2021

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  • ~bitcoin
    • 32.5k stacked \ 0 revenue \ 36.6k spent \ 60 posts \ 158 comments \ August 4, 2023
  • ~bitcoin
    • 38.1k stacked \ 0 revenue \ 38.9k spent \ 103 posts \ 340 comments \ August 4, 2022
  • ~bitcoin
    • 35 stacked \ 0 revenue \ 49 spent \ 4 posts \ 6 comments \ August 4, 2021
that's one of my fav posts from @birdeye21
I also like it. The current world has so many crafted lies that we find ourselves in the midst of a pool of lies. Even if we come to realize a few of them, we accept because everyone accepts them.
That was a fun discussion.
I've noticed on some of these active older posts that most of us only replied to the OP, but didn't really talk to each other much. It seems like that's a little different now. The zaps on good comments are also shockingly low.
The zaps on good comments are also shockingly low.
I guess because part of the daily rewards used to zapped to the top comments/ posts.
Maybe so, I just thought it was social awkwardness.
What a post from @birdeye21!
I recommend everyone must read it till the last comment, you can't blink an eye! It's also coincidence that the last comment says 'In life, everything is a scam!!'
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.