Crazy story. I wonder if this guy shows up at our favorite Austin bitdev gatherings?
Interesting to see he lived with a pseudo-name near the end to avoid victims reaching out to him. From my view, alot of gray area with alot of this.
A free market should be a free market, but as long as others aren't being harmed
Very interesting and crazy. His moral compass....I dont know what to say.
Thanks Siggy!
A few months before Benthall (reportedly) ever touched Tor, co-author of this NY Times article Kashmir Hill was writing about blowing 10 BTC on sushi and such, for her series of articles on Forbes titled: "Living On Bitcoin For A Week".
Thanks for this link and info!
What an amazing tale! It's a reminder of the time when Bitcoin was seen as a "tool for criminals". 👀 #399398
Silk Road 2.0 had a shorter lifespan than Silk Road 1.0 (Ross Dread Pirate)
From the article: One October afternoon in 2013, Mr. Benthall was at an Equinox gym in downtown San Francisco when he saw breaking news on the overhead television: Law enforcement had taken down Silk Road and arrested the Dread Pirate Roberts, whose real name was Ross Ulbricht.
Being a member of Equinox gym makes him less sympathetic
Being a member of equinox makes him a SF douche bag
And now his new project is to ensure legal compliance.
Patty Hearst would call this Stockholm Syndrome
it glows so bright