You mean the brainwashed Bitcoin community? Do you have more evidence for the paid bounty than a cointelegraph article?
Funny how you guys make fun of Monero privacy without looking into your transparent blockchain which is still less private than a fiat bank transaction.
Do you have more evidence for the paid bounty than a cointelegraph article?
What's the point of giving it to you exactly? I'm not going to debate a fanboi that thinks Monero tracing services ran by Monero devs (Moonstone Research) aren't real.
You would have a better chance of convincing a flat-earther that he is wrong.
Fanboi, I see. So lets call all privacy focused people fanbois. How do we call Bitcoiners? Idiots?
So lets call all privacy focused people fanbois.
No, I reserve the label for those who are dumb enough to think their coin is privacy-focused, while its devs sell tracing services.