These so-called “progressives” or “liberals” are not advocates of progress or liberty: they are enemies of them, and the sooner champions of liberty acknowledge what they are, the better our slim chances for defeating them will be. Libertarians and conservatives are inclined toward civil discourse and respect for the rule of law. They must come to terms with the fact that their enemies—not opponents—are implacable, bent on winning whatever the cost may be, willing to use any means whatsoever to prevail and, once triumphant, to deprive their opposition of the means to reverse or even impede the implementation of their agenda.
America First Populism!
Defend the West by any means necessary Defeat the Enemy by any means necessary
this territory is moderated
The name of a coalition will be solved in a later stage, that will be no issue. The issue right now is that you only have conservatives, not libertarians. Focus on building libertarianism, then the coalition will be a natural result, at least in the last minute. That's what happened to Milei: conservatives repelled him and attacked him relentlessly as he gained recognition, and a unified coalition was impossible, up to the latest stage of the election when conservatives, already out of the race, directed their voters to vote for Milei. Concentrate on your own space, the rest will fall in place.