I hope that this possibility of an Islamic state does not become a reality... it would be something quite regrettable... on the other hand, if we analyze it, this situation could be seen coming, it is a very complex situation that exists in that place... and obviously the media communication do the worst to hide, disappear or disguise the information so that it is at the convenience of those who pay them the most... the media such as television or the press have become the most rotten... because they profit not only from the profit they they can obtain for providing a service or informing... if not with what they secretly pay the owners of the television stations or owners of the newspapers... so that they do not tell things as they are... at the end of the chain what people common people end up reading is garbage... that does not contribute anything to their knowledge and all the news is altered and meaningless...
Well said! For Bangladesh, they can only pay local media, but being neighbours and having lots of my people there, I know the truth. The Army have rekt the most democratic political party of Bangladesh in matter of few days. They have called for an interim government there (we know what government). There will be situation much like Pakistan where the interference of Army has led to total demolition of humanity. There will be no place for any sort of civilization and it will become another adda of terrorism.
Hey, good information! That is one of the things I like most about S.N. that you can find people from all over the world... and that on this occasion, notice, they are very close to the situation and know the truth... that truth that the media is not going to transmit. .. Thanks for the information 👍