From your perspective is it the etfs, the US DOJ attack on self custody, or something else?
293 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 6 Aug
i think to a lot of us its a mix of things. disillusionment with (parts) of the community and large parts of the industry.
we got lost in the narratives, the ngu, the etfs and saving africa etc. At the same time we haven't really found much adoption outside of pumping our bags. medium of exchange has kinda lost its importance in the discussions because everyone just screams bitcoin fixes this and everything divided by 21 million.
herd mentality has become the norm while critical first principles thinking and cypherpunk ideals disappeared. far from unpredictable but still sad.
My theory: Mutiny lost a lot of users after the DNS fuck up with "freedom one"
And they provided minimal tech support. A lot of new users were angry and lost faith in Mutiny and Tony