Lately there are so many ads. Also, the loading is so slow. I thought it was just my computer, though.
The political ads are driving me nuts and that's only going to get worse from here.
I havent seen those, yet. I keep seeing ads in spanish. I dont even speak spanish!
Well, I don't vote, so I'm not sure why they're bothering me with the ads I'm getting, either.
Well, you know... All the political stuff on SN, your AI is probably noticing the politics...
I'd bet Stacker News is one of the least political social media platforms, but since I'm never going to check the others, I'll never know for sure.
During that trump thing, it got very political for a while.
I'm not sure I'd describe talking about an assassination attempt as political, per se. It just seems like an interesting news event.
Isnt anything aboout a politician political?