Taleb is the man who inspired a phrase I often repeat now. "There is no amount of intelligence that can't be overcome by arrogance."
Taleb is no dummy. He's a very intelligent man. I have many friends that think so at least... Some of them even dropped bitcoin because of his shift on it a few years ago. Obviously they are appealing to authority and not THINKING and reasoning for themselves. Taleb's arguments fall flat. He's so weak on this subject as compared to many topics he discusses. Its instructive to see this because people that rise to a level of notoriety often fall prey to arrogance and pride. Pride is a destructive force and you don't need to be famous or even smart to be affected by. I struggle with it. It holds me back.
Stay humble, stack sats is something I say and write because I need to work on it every day. You could also say, kill pride and focus on creating value. Taleb is not doing this when he talks about Bitcoin. He's literally not seeking to learn or understand. He doesn't like it. That's fine. But he insists on ranting about it with weak arguments and has no interest in listening to the pro-bitcoin side. Once can make better arguments if you actually learn how bitcoin works. I'm convinced Taleb hasn't even spend 100 hours studying bitcoin.