I love Kernan. The fact that he says what he says on that network. He clearly has conviction. He doesn't get everything right but I respect him for being true. It is much easier to just keep quiet and stack. He has a host that is clearly at odds with him.
Don't get me wrong. I suspect the producers like the conflict. Its boring to watch people agree with each other on everything. At least it is for me.
For those of us that just type out our thoughts to other bitcoiners. I will say this. It isn't easy to debate in person. I've never been on TV like this and I can only imagine it is even harder. Easy for us to critique Kernan but I respect his efforts.
Agreed. Not perfect, but Joe does a hell of a lot better job than I could on the fly, day in and day out.
Same here. I watched Matt Odell on a local radio show and as I was listening I thought, why didn't he say x? Then I realized. Yeah, its hard to do what he's doing. And I have no idea if that path would have worked for the conversation. Easy to Monday morning quarterback others.
on a local radio show how much time do you have before they break for commercial?
30 seconds? maybe 60 or 90 seconds to say something intelligent about bitcoin that the radio listener will understand
Politics aside, it's very difficult to do what Rush Limbaugh did for 30+ years
They had more time than that. If you are interested I think I posted it on my Nostr a while back.
I will check it out