Dave Ramsey is another guy that has this issue. He is no where near to the intellect of Taleb but he has said many foolish things about bitcoin. Only arrogance will allow a person to make bold statements in public about a subject that you know little about. I will give Ramsey this. Recently he has been pressed on Bitcoin and admitted he doesn't have a deep understanding of it and why he has no desire to take the deep dive.
People that are ignorant of a subject can talk about it but they need to acknowledge their lack of knowledge. A massive percentage of people just mimic public figures like these guys. Being a public figure is a big responsibility. It should humble men but it tends to do the opposite. Honestly, fame should scare the crap out of people. Having a platform is massive responsibility.
Ramsey is soooo full of himself. I feel like if you are starting out on your own his core principles are not the worst thing in the world but as you grow and have to start making bigger and bigger decisions his methods do not work as well.