are you realizing that this story by an "anon" can be fake or just a trap ? ANYTHING from an anon account it must be discarded. Otherwise you are just falling for a trap.
64 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 6 Aug
Post a picture of your passport or else I will have to consider you a fed
passports are only for slaves, not for sovereign individuals. Asking me, as a sovereign individual for my passport, definitely makes you more a fed than me. Only feds are asking for passports.
A true sovereign individual would never take a comment like this seriously.
ANYTHING from an anon account it must be discarded
I must not do anything unless I believe it for myself. I'm not interested in being a slave to another person's words/advice. But, in this case, I agree that anon can't be trusted but when you start using must you set yourself up as authority.
Even you posted on this thread. Why? If it must be discarded, I suspect you did so for others to see and be warned. That's why I responded to this post as well. Even if this post is false, the comments I leave are what I believe I should do if I were in this situation.
A nym is not the same as anon account in online. If you cannot make that difference, sorry but why are you still online debating? Under "anon" account can be absolutely anybody from SN or not even having a nym account and playing with words. That's why ANY anon posts must be discarded. or taken only as a joke or manipulation.
"anon" will never means "privacy"... but more like manipulation, deceive, propaganda, "testing grounds" and lies.
I understand the difference. I agree with you on the issues with anon v nym. Just don't assume WHY I posted. Many other people read comments besides the OP (anon).
Many other people read comments besides the OP (anon).
Just do not engage with "anons"... is useless and you are just making their game. Make your own post if you like to discuss.
Edit: I hear ya. I'm NOT worried about it either way.
Yes. My post is evergreen and honest advice even if the post is a lie/trap/etc. Same goes for any post on SN. I agree with you about Anon posts in general but don't assume I am not aware everything on this site could be faked. In a very real sense all these posts are not real. I don't just write for the OP.