I guess you could put it through a coffee filter to clean it more? I am assuming you are filtering out bit particles and stuff?
Even in soft water, where less calcium carbonate is dissolved, roughly a quarter of the NMPs were snagged from the water. Any bits of lime-encrusted plastic could then be removed through a simple filter like the stainless steel mesh used to strain tea, the researchers say.
(Emphasis mine)
However, we also need to know that during this time I often buy packaged drinks, sometimes the contents of the drinking bottle are not visible, they are covered with logos, and the water in the bottle is not clearly visible, because it is covered by a layer of logo.
Maybe you mean using a cloth filter, but so far I have never filtered it, after the water boils I immediately pour it into a glass, then I mix it with coffee, maybe I don't know if there are small particles and so on. .