"Those that contribute to bitcoin will have less sats than those that just hodl and benefit from the improvements. Still deep down you will be content that you played your part in the success of bitcoin" gave me chills reading that...@siggy47 I believe the plebs are to use bitcoin as a savings vessel till they see something they really want and or need whether that be survival or starting a business. I encourage all to hodl when first entering to be honest what I think is when you experience NGU you understand how money should really appreciate and also that life isn't about showing up to your job there's more to it bitcoin buys you time back when you hodl allowing you to spend it with your loved ones or better yet working on yourself hopefully bringing you to realize the important things in life and becoming a better person because of it....its true there are gonna be dick heads entering and youll notice aside from that thats my goal to be able to pierce that veil and free/open minds, change lives..
111 sats \ 0 replies \ @OT 8 Aug
I agree that hodling is good especially when you first start. But there should come a time after a period if stacking and hodling to give back. Like anyone who kept their sats from pre 2013 should have plenty of sats to support projects that they'd like to see come to fruition. We see people donating whole coins to Trump so some people have too much bitcoin. We have very few people or organizations supporting development. If for whatever reason Jack Dorsey leaves we're in some trouble.
Let me put it this way. If we all used 20% of our stack to improve bitcoin giving it a higher chance of succeeding, the remaining 80% will be worth so much more.
Good points re hodling/hoarding as a virtue