Here we are again with our now monthly The Magnificent Seven updates, aiming to give you a hit on what you missed in the ~AGORA territory.

Top-Performing Ads

We did it this month too! Surprisingly, we are seen some brave entrepreneurial minds sharing their good and services and needs with the SN community. We know we are few, we also are small,

I really enjoyed seeing @Fabs starting something new in the ~DIY spectrum, leveraging his skills and expertise to create new handmade products #614282, #634664! Congrats, wish the stardust wind will accompany you during this fabulous journey ✨

In case you missed

Many sunny times over here, with new Suns is rising. Brains are boiling under societal pressure. Those wise enough, protected under the shade of reason, know new breezes are blooming. Many, confused by necessity, continue to ignore.
I'm surprised to see so many new conversations, thanks @supratic, the turn taken is fascinating for me! Stackers and Bitcoiners, having access to a privileged tool, sometime forget that freedom is a journey and not a destination. When Plan B it's already in place... what about Plan A? This past month the ~AGORA has seen many post about sovereignty, freedom and the belief system able to free not only our body from slavery, but also our mind and spirit.
Enjoy earning more with the top ones below:

Just a reminder for you all
This territory aims to connect stackers and curious buyers for IRL P2P Bitcoin deals. Have fun checking what else stackers are shilling globally in the ~AGORA. This is a great time for you to make some space un-dusting some stuff that has been sitting there for too long and get some sats for it!
To incentivize more conversation and a more libre mindset, we decided to adopt the zapshare approach, so we'll split the rewards of this TM7 to the best contributors plus zaps to the posts that offer much PoW when posting.

Create your Ads now!

Looking to start something new? Tap one of the links below to free your mind:

Or contact @AGORA team on nostr DM and we can help you publish a personalized post.
Hm, TM7... First time I notice it, but it seems like a solid way to summarize things for the territory, keep it going!
I'm about to make the jump from mere "prototype" to "product" for some of the items I've been experimenting with, and I hope that I can post about these in the ~AGORA territory soon!
Looks like you are coming up with some creative solutions!
Oh you can bet, I think they'll turn out absolutely awesome.