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Thank you in advance for your service. I think it's a service that, although not ideal (custodial), is simple to use and helps a lot of newcomers.
The question everyone wants answered: when will there be an app? And why has it never been a priority?
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Did you already hear about our upcoming Alby Hub? Our upcoming, fully self-sovereign wallet. The lightning wallet build for the web that makes it easy to use all the bitcoin lightning apps anywhere anytime.
With that we'll also have a mobile wallet soon!
ohhh, this is cool!!!!
So cool! Psyched!
Thanks for the news! I've been waiting for long and now Mutiny will be RIP, it's more important for me to find a good one.
Very good news.
We're constantly thinking about the app - what features should it have, how should it be built...
Over time, we've released getalby.com as PWA and our extension on Firefox Mobile, however building such nostr signer as it is on desktop is not trivial on mobile devices.
We are cooking something however! If you are Alby Hub user and join our Discord we can share some .apk to try out ;) When it will be released? "Soon" ;)
Why has it never been a priority? We are a small team with a dozen of different priorities - sometimes you need to focus on what you want to build reliably and ensure its maintenance for the future. If we'd dedicate our time and resources on building mobile app, who would release Alby Hub or Bitcoin-Connect? ;) One also can't be an app for everything...
If there will be more signaled demand, like from you, and we will feel that we're ready - mobile devices will not be forgotten.
Yes, your product is solid. Thanks for not over expanding and taking your time to build quality.
There's a good dozen of lightning mobile wallets, so we didn't feel there was a pressing need for another one If it's just a normal wallet. That's mostly it
Hey, you could always use Alby Extension self-custiodially by connecting various nodes like LND or CLN.
We also do not open new Alby hosted wallets and are trying to move our users to Alby Hub, our new swlf-custiodial wallet.
As for the app, two weeks ;)