Shrinking economic cancer would be good and its gonna happen one way or the other
bitcoin economy is fast and lean
Degrowth is another marxist movement.
Rent-seekers are always looking for ways to steal value from everyone else. They come with terms like "Degrowth" to tell us how bad things are in the world and they are here with a solution. Bad idea. This rent-seeking behavior always leads to authoritarianism where societies become subjected to rules and regultions that adds no value whatsover to the world, instead, subjects people to more hardship and suffering. We've been hearing about "climate change organizations" and also seen their immoral behaviors towards the citizens of the world.
If you ever think of changing the world, please start with yourself. We don't need organizations coming to tell us what only perceived to be wrong with the world. To change the world, come up with ways to incentivize people to do the right thing, just as bitcoin did.
Whats the difference between Degrowth and WEF?