Critical thinking seems to be a lost art these days, so scientists have made a checklist for us use lol
‘Truth’ is under attack, more so now than ever before, and for many reasons one of which is social media. We hear and read remarkable, often preposterous claims from many sources. This may be in political debate, the presentation of new products, or new health-enhancing exercises ranging from hot water pools to cold water swimming. These frequently claim to be ‘scientific findings’ often reporting ‘new studies have shown’ stories, underpinned by ‘expert’ opinion. They are amplified in the media until the next fad comes along.
This pervasive form of persuasion is a war of beliefs, which in many cases may contradict accepted knowledge. It is always possible, in fact likely, that some of the more absurd claims may not involve, or even be properly aware of, current scientific understanding, in which case these claims may be logical, but based on incorrect assumptions or understanding. Flat earthers have a consistent world view, which is probably logical to them; it just is not compatible with other known facts. But truth is the first casualty of war, and now more than ever, we must equip ourselves and others with the skills needed to judge how valid the information we are presented with is.
Here are some of the questions to ask ourselves in any situation. the list goes on with more specific questions that apply to more specific situations.


  • Who is making the statement, and what is their qualification for making it?
  • What was the original question? Has it been correctly framed?
  • What is the underpinning evidence for the statement? What is the provenance of the supporting data? Where has it been published? Are there alternative explanations, have these been explored, how possible are they?
and one from me that I learned from my days on wall street:
  • Who is making the statement, and how to they want you to receive it/react to it?
this one has been a cornerstone of my thinking since I put it together 20 years ago. once you question intentions behind the information, your emotional reaction is less impulsive and more anchored in reality.
I sincerely believe that you are absolutely right. In this world where everyone tries to impose their thoughts, saying that they own the truth, we must know and work to have a frank judgment.