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an independent thinker, religious
Sorry but you cannot be independent thinker and religious. Are two opposite sides. Religion is suppressing free thinking. Or are you putting faith and religion in the same bowl. Wrong. Are two different things.
I disagree, you can only get true original thinking by talking to God. Where do you think those ideas, creativeness come from. Its a higher power.
YOU are God. Each one of us is God...
but that is not "religion", is faith. Totally something else. You should study a bit more the work/readings of Alan Watts.
But religion leads to faith? Unless you think different? I suppose your suggesting faith is innate?
But religion leads to faith?
Faith leads to religion. Religion is the "fanatic phase" of faith. Faith is something you have inside you (freely), not imposed by someone else (religion)..
To gather freely in a community of like minded people who share similar principals and values is not called religion. It is called being human.
Took me a long time to realize that people use words to separate others from God. It is by design, fear is a sense of control and it is the only way the wicked can control you. You can only be truly free when you know God.
Maybe your right on the faith before religion part but I would say being around others to praise something higher than yourself is not religious.
Why would you need somebody else company when you are "talking" to God? Solitude and meditation will help more than others influence, in your discussions with God. The relation with God is private and is only your business. Because is with yourself. God is inside you, not around you, to share with others.
I think you are still early in your journey...