Say what you will about algorithms Sometimes that shit just straight up delivers Since the embed is blocked, short overview: "Kant You Handle the Truth? Kant in a Way Anyone Can Understand" {12 min 56 seconds} "Dive into the ocean of Kantian thought, exploring his game-changing 'Critique of Pure Reason' Unpack the philosophical mic drop that is Transcendental Idealism Decode the Categorical Imperative (spoiler: it's the golden rule on steroids) Get artsy with Kant's takes on beauty and the sublime Explore Kant's other greatest hits, from 'Perpetual Peace' to his enlightenment rallying cry" While I post a fair bit about philosophy, I have to admit I've barely read any myself, so I can't vouch on the accuracy of this guy's takes on Kant's work, but I surely enjoyed it as some lovely food for thought to accompany my Sunday morning coffee, eggs and sourdough 🤠
Kant was a closet socialist and globalist