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They are really trying to keep the ball in their court. Anything to keep the power! Imagine how much tourism that will stop, though. It will cripple nations.
this territory is moderated
Was wondering if this is part of the planned dynamic.
Option 1. Jab yourself with junk until you exhibit signs of genetic breakdown.
Option 2. Stay in your designated safe area.
All the while, humanity existing for millennia without any of this. But now we require everyone to be surveilled, be experimented upon, and to no longer enjoy the basic privileges which modern life affords, that which we all jointly developed, for the good of humanity.
The EU IS the disease.
Just imagine how serious it will get when they start injecting nanobots. That is a whole other problem! The future is coming.
Scary indeed. If not a touch sacrilegious.
They have already started mRNA. Supposedly that changes some of your dna.
Our science shines brighter than a thousand suns.
Have they really released any data on the mRNA and how it affects the body?