I wanted to generate a static QR code rather than time-limited Lightning invoice to allow readers to tip bitcoin on Substack (where you can't access the code). Since I couldn't find an easy guide for people relatively new to Lightning, I decided to write one myself once I figured it out (with LNbits).
Too basic for all you wizards, of course, but I hope it helps someone and let me know if you spot anything I got wrong!
Also shout-out to these articles:
Nice tuto! Lnbits is a great tool. Here are more guides with Lnbits. Lnbits for small merchants and The bank of Lnbits
In regards of using LNURL for donations, here is a full guide for LNTXBOT (for those who still don't use it)
Another tool that can be used: https://coinos.io - it offers LNURL and LN address too
You can also put your stacker.news profile QRcode there. That's the easiest way.
Also lntxbot in Telegram
It's weird how many enthusiasts claim Bolt12 was an unnecessary feature
.. and yet there are so many people so frequently asking about it 🤔🤔