Thanks for encouraging discussion around this. I know it’s a vector for spam. I think removing it is a good idea.
I’m considering replacing it with 10 promotional sats and/or a referral program. This is also a vector for spam but it’d just be temporary/promotional while we try to grow a community.
If you have thoughts on that please share.
I just tried yesterday and it seems the free sats were removed altogether as @qecez suggests. Works for me and I feel safer now :-) Thank you!
Yes, temporary/promotional while we try to grow a community makes sense.
I generally wanted to point it out, but once it is known, it's fine.
Thank you for feed-back, @k00b!
Agreed, remove the free sats altogether.
The trick is that folks should vote with their sats on the posts they like, so even if there's a spam the posts won't even show up on the homepage. That said agreed that additional preventions like dup detection on URLs and email uniqueness check would help. Eventually we will hopefully not need emails, just sign in with LN and you are good to go.
Sure. Computer-speaking it makes sense. The idea described in #648 is that human time is limited and spam is feeding on it as its prey. And when one is allowed to write here for free, that is an invitation.
Yes, paid spam will be possible anyway, but the spammers will never recollect those invested sats back simply because humans who would spend their time will also see through and not do any other actions (i.e. not vote for it with their sats).
thanks for the heads up. k00b has been out for the past few days with some personal issues. Will let him know. I know he will appreciate you finding this bug and as well as any other feedback that can help grow this site.
You are welcome. Thank you for feed-back, too! Complete recovery to k00b!
Thanks 🙏 @gmd.
I log in via Lightning and I have not had that issue. When I run out of sats, I need to add more to my account.
This coomment is from yet another SN account which just got 5 free comments and 2 free posts. Still the same person (acting in the role of spammer) behind the keyboard.
Sure. That is when you use the same account. @anyone also logs in using lightning signature. But here is the same real person, just using another account. Will reply here from yet another…