Oof. I know enough Gen Z folks that my first reaction to this is that it has to have been created by someone who is decidedly not Gen Z. I don't think the original white paper's hard to begin with, but it's possible to make it more casual/accessible without the level of condescension this author threw in. Like, no one needs "want to" shifted to "wanna" in a paper; Gen Z is perfectly capable of reading "normal" text, and is no more likely to want slang like "sus" and "here's the tea" in a Gen Xer like myself wants to see "dude" and "chill pill" in one.
ETA: Looked at the bottom of the page and saw the culprit. Of course this is lazy AI stuff. https://i.imgur.com/0NAPPSo.png
I'm pretty sure the author wrote this as a joke, and not to be taken seriously. At least I hope so!
Yeah, that checks out -- this is what I get for reading humor stuff before coffee.
This morning is the first time in years that I have not had any coffee. I have been awake two hours. A new record.
You know, maybe I'm wrong. This thing took a lot of work. Maybe it was semi serious, so it's fair to question generational word choices