He got phished, gave log in info out in an email (!), and lost 50k USD worth of bitcoin.
50k is not a small amount. After sach loss, how many it possible for someone to have trust. However it was only his fault. How he can share his vital detail to someone.
I lost around that much in a scam in 2022. Outcome? It made me a bitcoiner. As in, no more shitcoins, and self-custody only.
Great! To commit mistake is the best teacher. We people learn a lot from our failures.
There are no mistakes, there are only learning opportunities :-)
He told his wife. My friend is his wife's cousin! For some of us, our wives would have been the last one to find out how dumb we are.
I was talking about login information.
Yes. That makes sense. I can't imagine that either. I was blinded by the prospect of telling my wife I was such an idiot if it happened to me.