not if it is mRNA
95 percent effective for how many days or weeks?
The problem is covid mutates and then the 'vaccine' is 0 percent effective
this territory is moderated
I know. I am proudly unvaccinated. When Biden came out with his grim "winter of death" speech that was the last straw for me with the whole government. But @0xbitcoiner usually has good information, so I want to hear him out.
I didn't get vaccinated either, and guess what? I never caught COVID because I only got tested once. Haha!
I got it before the vaccines came out. It was mild. But, a guy in the neighborhood got it around the same time as me and died. Very sad. He was younger than me, and in better health. Go figure.
Good points. Remember when they called them "breakthrough cases"? That ended quickly as the numbers piled up.