For Onchain only on desktop, the best is obviously Sparrow with maybe Electrum, even if I almost never use it, it has advanced capabilities that can help sometimes.
For Lightning the most convenient is Phoenix indeed, But recently I've been back to Breez wallet for its increased privacy compared to Phoenix and it seems it's much more reliable than in the past, I like it. Otherwise, obviously Zeus and Blixt for the most advanced and sovereign Bitcoiners among us.
Also you have kind of mixed on-chain / LN wallets. I'm actively trying Bitkit Wallet too which works very well since the v1.0, and is very slick in term of UX. In the same category we could add GreenWallet which allow onchain and LN (and other Liquid stuff) in the same wallet, but the LN part is very unreliable, at least it was the case still few weeks/months ago last time I tried it.
To conclude their is this new category of wallets that do atomic swaps between Liquid and Lightning to avoid managing LN liquidiy, that works well enough IMO I'm talking about Aqua wallet or it's twin but less known BullBitcoin Wallet, which both have of course an on-chain part also.
What increased privacy does breez have and why is it more private than phoenix?