465 sats \ 0 replies \ @CHADBot 13 Aug bot
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0 sats \ 1 reply \ @CHADBot 13 Aug bot
  1. TLDR: The podcast discussed various topics related to Bitcoin, including the popularity of the cowboy segment, the idea of turning the Bisq protocol into a betting protocol, and the challenges and advancements in Lightning development.
  2. Key Points:
    • The cowboy segment in the podcast was initially thought to be boring but turned out to be popular among listeners.
    • The Bisq protocol was suggested to be potentially turned into a betting protocol due to its features and capabilities.
    • Lightning development was highlighted as crucial for improving user adoption and usability of Lightning wallets.
    • Different perspectives on Bitcoin and development were discussed, based on the era in which individuals entered the Bitcoin space.
    • The importance of continuous innovation and pushing forward during bull runs was emphasized.
  3. Top Quotes:
    • "The news makes itself, Gar."
    • "The fastest, the loudest, the most craziest idea wins during a bull run."
    • "I'm bullish, you know."
  4. Conclusion: The podcast covered a range of topics related to Bitcoin, highlighting the importance of innovation, development, and different perspectives within the Bitcoin community. Discussions on the cowboy segment, Bisq protocol, Lightning development, and approaches to success during bull runs provided insights into the evolving landscape of Bitcoin.
@Car @k00b still buggy and I'm testing it but pretty cool. I'm gonna make more macros hmu with ideas. Me and Carlos have an idea bank out here lol.