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In 2023, 132 million babies were born and nearly 62 million people died. Resulting in a population growth of 70 million people (+0.9%).
But as birth rates fall around the world, the number of deaths occurring each year is expected to surpass the number of births by 2084. This could potentially kick off an era of global population decline.
Are you married ?? Do you have kids?
Why? Do you wanna know his contribution to the population!
Yes, you can say.
A question: How sure are we in the widely touted numbers of global population? We hear the 7B number quite a bit, but it seems that every country and reporting body has a vested interest in inflating their numbers.
For one, inflating the numbers helps each country with its debt perception....secondly their it helps with their defense perception.
Would it surprise anyone if that 7B number was vastly off?
Let’s take USA population
I hear it’s 330 million
Are we over counting? I definitely know the number of registered voters who are citizens and alive is inflated
I definitely know the number of registered voters who are citizens and alive is inflated
Exactly. All incentives from voting, finance, security, etc all pressure to over-inflate the number.
What county / state in the US wants to reduce their members in House of Reps.....
That’s a big problem
Should we count illegal immigrants for purpose of congressional apportionment?
Should we only count citizens for congressional apportionment?
I vote no and yes
Will it every shrink? As developed countries lose people, undeveloped ones have more kids. Hasnt that always been the cycle?
I think by then there will no underdeveloped countries. Conflicts, disease, viruses and wars maybe other factors.
But in general, more kids happen in poorer zones.
No undeveloped countries? Every country is developed and no longer third world?
Okay but in order for babies to reach maturity, requires the sacrifice of many able-bodied adults, so, just birthing babies, does not create an actual mature human, people forget the amount of calories, time, effort, and energy, that goes into childrearing
Great! Time to increase your testosterone 💪 and let not these numbers fall!
not in a few decade the global population is expected to continue growing for a few decades, the rate of growth is slowing, and some projections suggest that it could begin to decline later in this century.
Personally, I believe that it depends on the place or country, the figures are manipulated to suit their convenience. If you ask me, a real example was what happened in the pandemic. All countries and governments published figures and higher figures than they systematically did. It was to cause terror at all levels of society.. and here we must also take into account that while in Europe people do not want children.. however they have 3 dogs 🤦.. on the side here in South America the percentage of mothers teenagers and single girls is galloping upwards... and those same girls end up having 2 or 3 more children... that's where the count can go... and the difference in culture of thought between continents is clear... and I doubt that at some point there will begin to be fewer people in the world... if an atomic bomb is dropped between these countries at war, without a doubt that would reduce it...
It's time for everyone to have 10 children!
Then it won't take long to shrink. There will be over populated and people gonna kill people. 🤣
It won’t. This is a pendulum that when put in motion once, never stops. Unless of course we have some black swan event like nuclear war or global true pandemic.
Don't you think it will happen soon in near future?
I judge the probability of such event to be very low but not impossible. I’m already prepped for next pandemic and if there is a global nuclear conflict then I don’t see how to save myself and my family — maybe fleeing urban terrain and move to some village is an option.
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