My view of stoicism comes from Hindu mythological works—Vedas, Upanishads, Geeta and other prominent texts. The most important of many characteristics of stoicism that are depicted in there I like that Stoicism is an art that teaches you to live in the moment without thinking about time and places. The practice of living in the moment creates attentiveness and as a result the practitioner develops a sense of clarity and purpose.
When I think about the ethos of Bitcoin, they echo a world full of Stoics — A Utopia.
If Bitcoin proactively advocates a Utopia, it also advocates stoicism, the art of living in the moment.
Very interesting, thanks a lot for sharing! Yea, I also discovered some parallels to Hinduism and Buddhism, but did not dig deeper yet. But I‘ll check those texts out.
Hinduism and these texts are so vast and comprehensive that it would require a lifetime of an effort read them all. I'd suggest you to first go through this essay
And, then start with The Gita.
Thanks a lot!!
Very informative! Bitcoin is definitely on its way to creating a noble and stoic society.
Yes, indeed!