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For a more unix-y take on an encrypted store-and-forward network (so no persistence necessary when communicating, not even simplex), take a look at (HTTPS: Key exchange happens completely out-of-band and it can also use pretty much any link you throw at it. On mobile, I've used it on Android using Termux but it's not the best experience for sure.
very interesting
Yeah, I thought so too... that's why I brought it here to get some more eyes on it.
Reticulum is the cryptography-based networking protocol for both local and wide-area networks built on readily available hardware. Reticulum can operate even with very high latency and extremely low bandwidth.
The vision of Reticulum is to allow anyone to operate their own sovereign communication networks, and to make it cheap and easy to cover vast areas with a myriad of independent, interconnectable and autonomous networks.
Somebody is going to glue a nostr relay to this, enabling somebody on clearnet to push messages through to somebody on reticulum, and vice-versa.
If that works, I don't see why an LN channel couldn't be setup as a conduit.
I think we would need architecture to push blocks over reticulum so that the reticulum bitcoin nodes would/could stay in sync.
After that, we figure out how to incentivize running nostr-relays combined with reticulum architecture, such that the operators earn a yield via sats.
I humbly suggest the name for the above trifecta, the Sovereign Net.
The good part would be that it's really easy to build good UX on nostr. So if reticulum is having hard time getting good UX, then Nostr may actually be a reasonable strategy. @fiatjaf, any interest in this?
I'm interested, but I'm skeptical.
The Sovereign Trinity
Very interesting and something bitcoiners should embrace, but 100% of the people reading this are too lazy to even try to run it themselves.