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Same breach I posted about here: 645245
Well, here's a generator of SSNs. They didn't need to steal them...
for (let i=0;i<1e10;i++) { console.log(i) }
This is great timing for the upcoming election. SSNs are required to register to vote.
In theory
Many states now auto register to vote if you get a driver license, food stamps, Medicaid, AFDC, any government form
For what its worth on the Dark Web there already is everyone's data this is just a single point source hack but really everyone's info is already out there they just don't know about it
You can't make this stuff up.
Data is available everywhere, not need to steal.
I froze all my credit years ago. I never used it anyway. I'm not sure how protective that is though when there's a bunch of "no credit check financing" available.
I've been notified by the SSA that someone used mine to get a job. The whole idea of a SSN is kinda shot.
the purpose of SSN is to collect social security!
It wont be there when you are ready to collect it, epitome of ponzi scheme...
I thought about freezing... I placed a fraud alert on my accounts
You have to be extremely careful with your digital footprint.
The information consists of approximately 2.7 billion records, each of which includes a person's full name, address, date of birth, Social Security number and telephone number, along with alternate names and dates of birth, Felice claims.
Is this the influence of KYC too?
This is exactly why KYC is so bad. At any point this information can be stolen, and you can lose just about everything. Bitcoin does fix this.
Well, here's a generator of SSNs. They didn't need to steal them
Agree .
Not a big issue. Big problem is this, when people's accounts will be hacked. SSNs is not a big deal
It's kinda big issue everywhere. But, what I've witnessed through my experience, Indians don't care too much about getting robbed of their identity. In fact, when the social security number which is 'Aadhar Number' here, is hacked, we have a different mechanism of OTP that we get on mobile number linked to it. Many Indians also tell that to hackers. But when they look into the accounts, they could do nothing because the balance is zero!
Yea, most were stolen. I got an alert this morning from Aura, mine is on the darkweb 😤😠
SSNs are a key component of personal identity. With access to them, hackers could commit identity theft, opening accounts or obtaining credit in someone else’s name.
place a fraud alert with Transunion or Equifax
I did it online
I really wish social security numbers could be changed from time to time. It's such a stupid system.
I am scared If this happen then citizen will be in truble
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.