
The Plebtorial system which originated within Ancient Roman Society, developed and changed over time and became the Electoral system.
To give the Plebeians the illusion that they were in control, they were offered elections so it would appear they could choose who ran “their” government.
Note: of course the government was never the peoples, but those who owned the government, the Patricians, with all the candidates already preselected.
This deception begins with the ballot paper; when you register to vote, you handover power of attorney.
You are asked to use black ink and mark an “X” in a box, which is the signature of a “simpleton”.
This action declares you are “incompetent” to make a decision, and are asking those in control to decide for you.
If you think you can vote your way out of tyranny, then signing an “X” was the correct thing to do.
Note: if you own your own land and are therefore Sovereign, you elect, you don’t vote.
All you are doing when you go to the polling station, is recording your opinion within said poll, so the government can see what the general consensus of the people is, nothing more.