1. Go to https://nostr.com/ and using any nostr client create your first nostr profile (npub + nsec keys). Save the keys.
  2. install nos2x browser extension and add your nostr keys. Or you can use Alby browser extension with a new nostr keys or already generated keys.
  3. Go to your already open SN account settings and link your new nostr profile.
  4. Done. From now on you can login with nostr keys or LN keys.
Why this? Usually people do not pay attention or save their login information into a safe password manager and forget with which LN wallet they logged in (on multiple platforms), or they delete those LN wallets and that way they lose also the login option.
Keep separate the regular LN wallets you use for payments than LN wallets used to login. For example, I could have 100 LNbits accounts on my own LNbits instance and each one used to login to a service. Or I can use a dedicated LNbits account only for login, so I will know that I should not delete it. Be organized with this stuff because there's no way to recover if you lose access. And nostr is a powerful tool.
Thanks for the guide. I didn’t expect this much response from SNers. Looks like I have to learn this very fast. How to make sure I respond to all the kind posts with suggestions without leaving anyone out. I hate to offend by appearing to ignore..