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Any chance you are watching CNBC right now?! This is another wild morning!
No. I have a dentist appointment. What's happening? Retail sales mania, or more bitcoin talk?
If you can go back you have to! The retail numbers came out and Rick was talking about them like he normally does. This time though they had two other people on so it was divided into 4 screens and anyway this lady I hadn't seen before just was wilding out about how the Fed needed more control over the economy to fix the sticky inflation and how they had done a good job... their job and everything was good and Rick almost blew up. They kept going back and forth and the lady told Rick he needed to read the numbers and Rick responded no you need to.
Finally the third guy chipped in at the very end. He went I'm going to agree with Rick here the Fed hasn't done their job and they do not need more control over the economy. Continued with how the data that she was talking about wasn't showing whatever she thought it was and really just how Rick was right. The Feds only job was to soften the job market and that was finally starting to happen.
Completely wild exchange but a great one to kick off the day!
I'll try to find it. Was there any mention of the fact that every month there are downward revisions which serve to make the numbers look deceptively better?