Will the legacy system collapse before we see a hyperbitcoinized world? Or is there a soft landing somehow?
Who the hell knows. It's hard for me to see a scenario where there isn't significant turbulence, to put it lightly. So many people are so 'asleep', don't 'own' their minds, I doubt they will wake up in time, and most likely will actually continue to contribute to the acceleration of their own destruction. I think the best we can hope for is to build strong bonds, networks etc. with those who are awake, and who share similar values, and do our best to continue to pursue truth, and express and build what we find into the world and culture we are creating with those people. An orderly unwind of clown world seems unlikely, however that doesn't mean that WAY more people can be saved or save themselves than is currently the case.
Agree. It seems that the digital fairytale called the Matrix is starting to map over reality quite well these days. Also emphasizes that this is a personal journey for each one of us.
I've started asking friends who've shown interest into Bitcoin what their questions are on this new money? I always get back a very personalized set of questions, and I would encourage them to answer those questions themselves.
In a way we are so trained to somebody else give us an answer instead of figuring it out for ourselves. Like me asking you what the hell's gonna happen :). I guess I should ask myself what I can do to contribute to this transition, that's all I can really do anyways.
Ya, I agree. The 'unknown' is so much larger than our limited, local 'known', so it's natural that we would probe others for answers, if for no other reason that to refine our own perspective. But yes, in times like these, when the doom scrolling can really make you think that the end is nigh, focusing on the freedom and beauty you ARE surrounded by, and doing your best to amplify or contribute to it (or other things which you deem worthwhile), is probably the most rational and effective strategy.
The legacy system is all in on the internet with CBDCs and digital passports so it will do what it can to protect it so with that in mind there can only be a soft landing