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While the U.S. and Japan were the largest contributors across advanced economies, China, India, and Mexico drove the largest share in emerging markets.
Today, the largest share of debt is held by non-financial corporations, at $94.1 trillion, while government borrowings follow closely behind at $91.4 trillion. Meanwhile, the financial sector holds $70.4 trillion in debt and households carry $59.1 trillion.
It's childish from zerohedge. The news is stale and they are trying to make it new by adding nothing.
However the chart and Data above has never been published on SN before. So I just thought it may be worthy of having a look at.

Zerohedge link to the post

It's incredible, how the debt continues to increase and not only that in an irresponsible way! What the government does is continue printing and printing without any type of support, the truth is that it surprises me and at the same time seeing the statistics and seeing the context at any moment this can explode and create great chaos thank goodness the most benefited will be us like this than to stack sats💪💪
Notice how debt is climbing but debt to gdp has dropped since covid. Inflation is the only path.
The blue line is the most important for the political narrative, but it can rise dramatically quickly in case of a downturn.
Lol so you're telling me we're still in for a 273x? LFG!!! 13 million a coin
I'm not saying nothing. It's the visualcapitalist and zerohedge! I also don't agree for a 273x in short term.
The debt keeps rising, and we will be on the hook for it. The government in the meantime is just raking in the dough.
Global debt, when economies are beased on debt in general, will hit new hights more and more often until it all collapeses. Thank God all of us here own Bitcoin!
Yeah, saw this article and my first thought is: as the National Debt has no lasting bottom the value of Bitcoin has no lasting top. Howbadat! It’s great to be in Bitcoin!
Debts keep rising
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