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What is multiculturalism?

Multiculturalism is a concept that promotes the acceptance, appreciation, and celebration of diverse cultures within a society. It involves recognizing and valuing the differences between various cultural groups while fostering social cohesion and equality.
The key principles of multiculturalism include:
  1. Cultural pluralism: Acknowledging and accepting the existence of multiple cultural identities and practices within a society.
  2. Equality: Ensuring equal opportunities and rights for all individuals, regardless of their cultural background or identity.
  3. Inclusion: Encouraging participation and engagement of diverse cultural groups in social, political, and economic processes.
  4. Respect: Promoting mutual respect and understanding between different cultural groups, while recognizing the legitimacy of differing beliefs, values, and practices.

Two questions come to mind:

  1. Is it working?
IMO, most definitely not. The world is very divided by race, religion and ideologies, it is a very difficult task. Countries trying this the most (practically enforcing it by law) have encountered more division and segregation; people of the same race, country or ideology will create their own small city sectors, cultural sectors, commercial sectors (China town, little Italy, etc); as is happening in USA for a long time already, happening as well in Spain, France, Germany, etc.
  1. Is it being encouraged with tolerance toward those opposing it?
I personally don't think so, the irony... But that is just my opinion...
  1. Is it being use as a form of control?
If it is being imposed the answer should be yes...
What do you thing?
Inclusion is overrated especially at the expense of assimilation.
Inclusion requires force or coercion.
Inclusion causes tribal strife and balkanization
edit: to answer your question, it's a euphemism for rejecting the Western canon and yes it is totally about control
Look at England: the political class wants to replace white English with Arabia and Africa. The rationale is they think it's easier to control a non white population with welfare bribery. Of course the political class is being naive if they think immigrants from certain parts of the world can be easily controlled.
Valid points
Fuck multiculturalism! People of same culture have it easier among them. Diluting a firm community with an inflow of immigrans does neither any good! Do we really need to have civil wars pop up in countries to understand that? Fuck me...
Yes, many people feels that way, specially in the EU and currently in the UK, immigration without proper planning, physiological screening, crime records search, strong laws for deportation serving as deterrent plus enforcement of education to respect the welcoming culture, obviously lacking all the above will lead to major issues,
I believe that most people in charge of immigration of those countries know this very well, therefore, one should ask, Why is being done so badly? What is the purpose? Who profits from such a bad policy? Not the people of the receiving country in general for sure, nor the immigrants, simply unreal
People of same culture have it easier among them.
Yeah, sure 🤣🤣🤣
I think it is inherently a good concept, that people should transcend their cultural differences and live harmoniously together while respecting differences.
But it cannot be practiced without a solid foundation in moral law, which is why multiculturalism is failing in the secular west.
The problem with multiculturalism without moral foundations is that you have no basis to say what is right and what is wrong. So things that are inherently wrong will be defended on the grounds of cultural differences, and things that are inherently right will be dismissed as products of cultural hegemony.
That's why you have some people saying "being on time is white supremacy" and then at the same time not prosecuting child rapists because "it's allowed in their culture"
Good points
Tolerance for other cultures and people, peaceful coexistence are desirable
Multicultural and the buzzwords listed in the original post are dog whistles for being anti western civilization and anti white European
Related to an attack on merit. Math is racist. Exams are racist. Affirmative action, diversity, equity, inclusion, disparate impact
These are no longer worthy goals because the means have corrupted the ends
How dare you have a nuanced opinion
Put me in jail and throw away the key
Unfortunately, I believe there isn't a one-size-fits-all solution that works everywhere. It's true that we need to continue experimenting and seeking approaches that promote dialogue, mutual respect, and inclusive participation. However, I wonder how it's possible to make progress toward multiculturalism when, in many countries, like mine, Italy, there is still a significant division between the north and south and between those living in different cities. The truth is that we often prefer to live in our small world and struggle to embrace those who are different from us.
True, quite complicated and that is not only happening in all countries in Europe, that happens is all countries I have the good fortune to visit and experience their culture and life styles. It feels as we are not ready for it.
I used to live in a place that was extremely "diverse", to the point that I was almost a minority.
Now I live in a place where it's not diverse at all. I like it a lot better. There's much more of a community feel.
Since the human migrated out of Africa cultures have blended - sometimes by choice, sometimes by war and domination. Cultural blending, assimilation, segregation and integration has happened and will always happen. It has been and will always be uncomfortable. It has been and will always be generally ok.
Even with temporary setbacks progress happens. Those who adapt do better.
Usted tiene razón en su artículo. No se cumple ya que las personas no son respetadas ni tampoco libres de pensar como ellas quieran. Hay mucha división de clases sociales, razas y religiones. El mundo es un caos por las querrás el hambre y las pandemias gracias a personas que por tal de enriquecerse no piensan en los otros seres humanos que compartimos el mismo mundo. Respeto AMOR PAZ.
The first thing I want to say is that this is a very good application, why? Because it calls for awareness and the preservation of good things, I can personally say that here in Lima, Peru, where I have lived for more than seven years, the customs and typical dances are native and In addition to that, people in regions such as the mountains or the jungle do their customs and their dances from the heart, they do it because they like it, they maintain generations of dances from children to the oldest in other places in the world, it is true, they have been We have lost many customs and where they are made or where they are performed, they are done as if by obligation because they are required by some law. We also have to take into account that how society is going due to the different tastes of people, whether gender tastes, sexual tastes, tastes. and different thoughts, but sometimes multiculturalism tends to be confused with the fact that we all have to be tolerant of some sexual ideology with some ideology of something else and that is not the case. Culture is something very important and should not be confused with things like like gender culture that some people who might read will disagree, but it's actually the truth. Culture is something. Well, what we must transmit to other generations.
Nice post, well said, thanks for sharing your thoughts, much appreciated!
There was the illusion that multiculturalism in the US worked in the past because the “other” cultures were still largely western. Today the “other” cultures are increasingly non-western and don’t have any shared values.
Respecting other people is great but some cultures have incompatible core values. This is what we are starting to see in the west.
Very good point